Monday, October 3, 2011

Native To Nowhere - Place Building through Art & Celebration

This chapter highlights a very important subject that I believe is both very important to human growth and education, but why is it consistently examined under the microscope.  The arts live in a black and white world without shades of grey.  What I mean by that - although art infused in the community has been proven to be a positive attribute it seems to be the first to be cut in educational budgets.  Why?  Is it less important than mathematics or science?  I completely agree with Beatley's argument that we should find art everywhere.  Art can absolutely add importance to a place and give people in that community a sense of pride especially if the public is involved.

I believe this chapter shows how art can be incorporated creatively to change people's perspective on infrastructure that would otherwise be viewed as a blight on the community.  There have been studies that have proven consistently art has the ability to improve lives.  Place Building through Art and Celebration sheds light on how art can be used in numerous forms to bring a community together from celebrating its heritage to improving a blighted area of a city.  I can't say enough about the importance of preserving the arts in our communities.  I thoroughly agree with Beatley's argument on many levels that art is essential for community building, uniqueness of place, and improving quality of life, which the examples he provides prove that.  Check out the links below.